Saturday, April 16, 2011 Episode 005: the .org show 2

In Episode 005 of we visit the University of New Hampshire and student "Casey on Campus" who presents how others can follow her lead and take facts and figures to their school's administration to get real and positive action on campus climate change. Host Bill Rogers speaks with Bill Burtis of the connection between organizations and the political landscape of New Hampshire as it relates to energy and climate. We look at the Clean Air - Cool Planet sponsored conference on energy policy with visits from 2007 presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Bill Richardson, John McCain and Dennis Kucinich. Then Senator Barack Obama presents his energy plan in Portsmouth while a 2007 candidate for President. Dari Sassan of the NH Office of Energy and Planning and Tom Rooney of TRC Energy Services Group present on the recent Local Energy Solutions Conference. And our Bald Guy on Climate Change visits his mom to learn of a pioneer in thermal solar energy. Peter Frumhoff of the Union of Concerned Scientists continues in his series "Ask the Scientist" to address how human actions can be a primary driver of climate change.

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